Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Enfa A+ Smart Camp

28/8/09 . Friday.
We didn't go for F9 test.
Because that day, we got a job.

That morning, we reach Sunway Pyramid by 9.30am.
We really love Sunway Pyramid,
because we shopping and work also been there. LOL.

This is really a big roadshow.
It's called Enfa A+ Smart Camp.

Venue: Sunway Pyramid blue zone
Date: 28/8 until 31/8

There are 5 quests to complete and get all the stamps to get a free goodie bag.
It seems so interesting!
Because I can communicate and play with kids while working!! LOL.

Let me introduce all the quest.

Quest 1: Get your favourite food and put in your lunch box.
There have 3 staff will explain to customer what kind of foods can power up with DHA.

It's like sushi round.Children can choose their favourite food and put into the basket. :)

Quest 2:Triple Protection Guard
There are games in the computer and guide those kids what is triple protection in their body.

Quest 3: Smart Language
Kids have to spell one of the words available in the section.

Quest 4: Music
Kids can play the music instrument there such as drums.

Quest 5: Golf

Finish all the quests then can get a free goodie bag.

I have been order to work at quest 1 to empower with an Enfa A+ Cap and give a stamp for those kids once they have complete the quest.

The guy stand behind me name Jun. His hair style got a LP word.
He said the LP means Linkin Park.LOL.
I think he is really a super fans. xD

Cow has been order to stand at Quest 2.

See his patient look, teaching a little friend to complete the quest.
He also has to empower the kids with Triple Protection Guard bands once complete the quest.

Before finish our work, we take photos. :)
This is the first time we work together in a event job.

thank you to Fish be our photographer :D

Okay, let's see the photos as below.

This is 15 years ago.

This is 15 years after.

Did he become more handsome??

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